
Fun Phonics Readers: Phonics, Language & Vocabulary

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Fun Phonics Readers have been written so that every book contains a story matching the phonics, vocabulary or language structure of each unit of the respective Finding Out text. This accounts for 15 of the 20 stories in each book. The additional 5 stories are review stories spread throughout each book.

The purpose of this is that not only do we want our reading program to develop students' reading fluency and decoding skills, but also to allow students to reinforce, review and see the language that they are studying in context, hence helping them to absorb language at a deeper level.

Easy-to-use Index
An easy to understand index has been included in each book primarily for the teacher’s benefit. At a glance, the index shows what story numbers match what Finding Out units, phonics, vocabulary or language structure targeted in the given story and also the language reviewed and recycled. With its ease of use, the index is designed to minimise preparation time when planning classes.
Fun Phonics Readers' easy-to-use index minimizes preparation time when planning classes.
Fun Phonics Readers' index minimizes preparation time when planning classes.

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