
Meet the Fun Kids English Team

At Fun Kids English we enjoy helping children to learn and teachers to teach!

Greg, BJ & Bill...The Fun Kids English team!

Greg Crawford has been teaching Young Learners of English for 15 years and is the owner and principal of Aire English School based in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. 

Greg Crawford
Greg Crawford

Greg co-writes the songs for our Fun Kids Songs CD series and has been playing music for the last 25 years. He is also the author of our Fun Phonics Readers series of graded children's readers. Greg is particularly interested in Young Learners, music for learning, using songs in the classroom, reading for children and phonics. He is a teacher, musician, gardener and proud father of two!

BJ Bulmer has been teaching Young Learners of English for 18 years and is the owner and principal of Koala English School, also based in Wakayama Prefecture in Southern Japan.

BJ Bulmer
BJ Bulmer

BJ is the 'musical brains' and co-writer of our Fun Kids Songs CD series. He also creates the instrumentation and mans the mixing desk. BJ has been playing music both as a live and studio musician for the past 25 years. BJ's interests are Young Learners, songwriting, creating captivating music and reading for children. He is a teacher, musician, audio engineer and also a proud father!

Bill Borella is a native of New York and has been teaching Young Learners for 5 years. Bill teaches and lives in Wakayama Prefecture in Southern Japan and is the artistic taste, touch and feel of Fun Kids English.

Bill Borella
Bill Borella

Bill is our illustrator and also the animator of our Learning Videos for Children and the beautiful illustrations in The Monkey and the Turtle. Additionally, Bill's voice can be heard chanting and narrating on our Fun Kids Songs CD series . He has worked professionally as an artist in both New York and Belize. Bill's interests include teaching Young Learners, using art in the classroom to cultivate language learning, music in the classroom and reading for children. He is a teacher, artist, lover of nature and is proud father of two!

Fun Kids English...Fun English for kids!
Take me to Fun Kids Songs! Take me to Fun Phonics Readers!

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