
David Paul recommends Fun Phonics Readers

Fun Phonics Readers is a series of graded children's phonics readers written to be used as both companion readers for the popular Finding Out series of children's English texts written by David Paul, or as stand alone graded phonics readers for any classroom of young learners.

Phonics, Language & Vocabulary
Every Fun Phonics Readers story complements the phonics, language structures and vocabulary of the respective unit from the respective Finding Out text. Read more...

Color-coding of phonetically irregular words is used for easy reading and pronunciation. Read more...

Font & Illustrations
Fun Phonics Readers contain a generic style font that is easy to read and understand along with clear, stimulating illustrations to aid the reader. Read more...

Affordable School Reading Program
For the majority of school’s business models, it is very manageable for them to include one book to each student per year in the student’s yearly text fee at a very reasonable price. This is a very affordable and cost effective way to introduce a reading program into your school. Read more...

Teacher Support
Learn how to incorporate fun and effective reading components that your students will love into your classes. Check out our teacher support videos showing you great fun ideas for reading in the classroom! While you're at it why not check out our free downloadable teaching resources

Particular attention has been paid to both recycling
and building language structures and word counts. Each book contains 20 fun and enjoyable stories full of natural, useful language in a big A4 format.

Fun Phonics Readers...Let's make reading fun!

Go to Fun Phonics Readers Book 1

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