
Fun Phonics Readers' Color-coding.

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Color-Coding for Easy Recognition, Reading & Pronunciation
Fun Phonics Readers also include color-coding for phonically irregular words. Color-coding is incorporated to make phonetically irregular words easier for students to recognise, decode and for ease of reading and pronunciation.

There are 3 different types of color-codes in the books; purple, red and green letters:
Purple letters are 'silent', or non-pronounced letters:

Purple Letters: These are ‘silent’, or non-pronounced letters such as house, mouse, kite, hole, white, have, are etc. Again , for easy recognition and pronunciation.
Red letters are pronounced as long vowels:

Red Letters: Are pronounced as long vowels, such as in ‘magic e’ words such as cake, kite and hole. Also for words not containing the ‘magic e’ but containing long vowel sounds such as great, he, she etc.
Green 'y' is the ending ~y such as happy, funny, angry etc:

Green ‘y’: This is the ending -y in such words as happy, funny angry, sleepy etc. It is color-coded green for easy reading and pronunciation.

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